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10 seconds

How to Fuel a 70.3 VS a Full Ironman Triathlon Event…

Have you entered a 70.3 or Ironman Distance event and not sure where to…

Strength and conditioning coach, Eddy, discusses performance statistics.

17 seconds

Strength & Conditioning Q&A with Driven Athlete

Do you feel lost or overwhelmed when going to the gym? Don’t know where to start? Worried about…


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OTE Sports nutrition blog is dedicated to bringing you the latest information and nutrition advice for athletes and sporting enthusiasts.

Discover our range of ‘how to fuel’ guides and explore our top nutrition tips for before, during, and after sporting activities. Learn how to use sports nutrition products to your advantage, from energy bars and rehydrating hydro tabs, to energy gels, Super Gels, and protein and recovery drinks. Plus, enjoy our insightful Q&As with the UK’s top athletes!

Penned by our team of experienced sports nutritionists and athletes, our guides are full of useful information for all knowledge and experience levels. We’re passionate about making sports nutrition inclusive and accessible for all sporting abilities, so just dive right in.


OTE Partners Running

31 seconds

How To Fuel A Cross Country or Trail Running Event

You’ve completed the training and all the hard work has been put in. Now it’s time to give yourself the…

Athlete Drinking Out of Our Camo Sports Bottle Before an Open Water Swim
Beginner Swimming

26 seconds

A Guide To Open Water Swimming

Open water swimming is a full body workout that everyone can get involved in at any age. A huge benefit…
