OTE Blue Drinks Bottle 750ml


OTE Blue Drinks Bottle 750ml

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Our specially designed clear & blue 750ml Drinks Bottle has graduated marks on the side to measure powder levels and ml’s of fluid, making mixing the recommended quantity of powder and liquid easy.

The screw-on cap features a lockable spout, and the striking triangular shape guarantees a secure grip.

Our OTE Bottles are easy to fill and clean, fit standard bicycle bottle cages, dishwasher safe and 100% BPA Free Bio-Bottle.

To view all of our other bottle designs click here.


Here are some MUST products to add into your new 750ml blue drinks bottle:

Our OTE Energy Drinks have been designed to provide carbohydrates during exercise, as well as electrolytes to help replace salts lost during sweating and aid rehydration. Two scoops from the bulk pack or an individual sachet easily mixes with 500ml of water. This will provide you with 40g of carbohydrates, so is enough energy for 40-60 minutes of moderate to intense exercise.

The natural flavours of Blackcurrant, Orange, and Lemon & Lime provide a refreshing fruity taste. Also, they are easy to consume anytime during your workout.  This means they are kind on the stomach. So, helps eliminate any stomach upset that can be associated with using Sports Nutrition.


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